
A new species of the genus Munidopsida
Butterflies of the sea
Deeper Than Light
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Dr. Helena Passeri Lavrado

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Marine Biology Department
Biology Institute
UFRJ – CCS – bl. A – sala 089
Ilha do Fundão – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
21949-900 - Brazil or

1998 - Doctor in Science, specialized in Biophysics, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Thesis on benthic ecophysiology in coastal lagoons. 1992 - M.Sc., Benthic ecology, University of Campinas (UNICAMP).


Assistant Professor of Marine Biology Department /UFRJ since 1995.


Scientific Interests
Biodiversity and functioning of deep sea ecosystems, benthic ecology of Antarctic systems, environmental impact assessment. Quantitative ecology with special focus on benthic responses to environmental disturbances. Community ecology.


13 years´ experience in benthic community ecology. Scientific planning of 11 deep-sea cruises at Bacia de Campos, Rio de Janeiro (2001-2003). Leader of the deep-sea project OCEANPROF in partnership with the Brazilian oil industry (PETROBRAS), coordinating the research activities of more than 20 research scientists who undertook studies on southeast Brazilian continental margin, from 700 to 2000m depth (2001-2007). Benthos Group leader of the National Program REVIZEE (Living resources of the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone, including the continental margin down to 2000m) (2001-2007). Co-project leader of GEAMB (Benthic Environmental Studies Group), for the study of impact assessment of human activities on soft-bottom benthic communities at Admiralty Bay, Antarctica (2002-present). Participant in 3 Brazilian Antarctic expeditions (Austral summers 2002/03, 2003/04, 2005/06). Supervision of 3 M.Sc. and 14 undergraduate students. Referee for 2 Brazilian scientific journals (Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology and Leandra). Twelve peer reviewed publications, 2 book chapters. Co-editor of two books on Brazilian continental margin biodiversity.


Five recent publications


    • Lavrado, H. P & Viana, M. S. (eds) 2007. Atlas de invertebrados marinhos da região central da Zona Econômica Exclusiva brasileira - parte 1 (“Atlas of benthic invertebrates from the central region of Brazilian EEZ – Part One”). 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional da UFRJ, Série Livros n.25. 258 p
    • Moyses, D. N.; Junqueira, A. O. R. ; Lavrado, H. P. ; Silva, S. H. G. 2007. Method for monitoring intertidal communities in a steep rocky shore: a combination of digital image technology and field operational strategy. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 55: 19-27.
    • Filgueiras, V. L. ; Campos, L. S. ; Lavrado, H. P. ; Frensel, R. ; Pollery, R. C. G. 2007 . Vertical distribution of macrobenthic infauna from the shallow sublittoral zone of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 30: 1439-1447.
    • Rodrigues, R. ; Gannabathula, V.S.; Lavrado H. P. .2007. Nitrogen metabolism of the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica (King & Broderip) and its potential use as a biomarker. Oecologia brasiliensis, 11: 37-49.
    • Lavrado, H.P. & Ignacio, B.L (eds) 2006. Biodiversidade bentônica da região central da Zona Econômica Exclusiva brasileira (“Benthic biodiversity of brazilian economic exclusive zone”), 1st Ed.. Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, UFRJ, Série Livros. N. 18. 389p.