
A new species of the genus Munidopsida
Butterflies of the sea
Deeper Than Light
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Dr. Baban Ingole

Scientist & DY. Director,
National Institute of Oceanography

Dona Paula

Goa-403 004 INDIA.

B.S., Zoology, Marathwada University, Aurangabad, 1979
M.Sc. Fisheries, Konkan, Agricultural University, Dapoli, Ratnagiri, 1982
Diploma in Japanese Language (Kyushu University, Fukuoka Japan (1989)
Ph.D., Applied Biology, Bombay University, 1994

2004 - Present Scientist F National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India
1999 -2004 Scientist EII ----------as above------
1994 -1999 Scientist EI ----------as above-------
1989 -1994 Scientist C ----------as above------
1988 -1991 Japanese (MUMBOSHO) Fellowship Nagasaki University, Japan (3 yr)
1984 -1989 Scientist B National Institute of Oceanography, Goa,
1981 -1984 Scientific Assistant ----------as above------
1979 -1981 Research Fellow; Konkan Agricultural University, Ratnagiri

28 years of oceanographic research. Participation in 26 deep-sea cruises (07 Chief Scientist) including three Antarctic Expeditions; Participation in international oceanographic programs with a multidisciplinary approach including a Discovery Channel Supported Tsunami Expedition (Off Sumatra).
Project Leader, Offshore Environmental Monitoring.

Research interest
Ecology and Diversity of deep-sea benthic communities; Environmental Pollution;
Habitat Restoration, Antarctic benthic biology.

Research Supervision
Ph.D- 03 completed & 04 on going; M.Sc.-19 Dissertations.

Synergistic Activities
Manager- OBIS Regional Node (IndOBIS)
Member- Global Biodiversity Information System (GBIF) Task Group
Member- Steering Committee COMARGE
Member- Discovery Channel's Tsunami Expedition (2005).
Member - Expert Committee-International Seabed Authority
Member - Steering Committee (CenSeam).
Darwin - Worldwide Pollution Monitoring programme
Member- National Committee to evaluate Impact of Tsunami on coastal Ecology

Five recent relevant publications

  • Ingole B., Sivadas, S., Goltekar, R., Clemente, S., Nanajkar, M., Sawant, R., D'Silva, C., Sarkar, A. & Z. Ansari (2006): Ecotoxicological effect of grounded MV River Princess on the intertidal benthic organisms off Goa. Environment International, 32 (2):284-291.
  • Ingole B., Pavithran, S., & Ansari, Z.A. (2005): Restoration of deep-sea macrofauna after simulated benthic disturbance in the Central Indian Basin. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 23:267–288.
  • Pavithran, S, Ingole, B.S. Nanajkar, M, & Nath, B.N. (2007). Macrofaunal diversity in the Central Indian Ocean Basin. Biodiversity, 8(3):11-16.
  • Subba Rao, D.V., Ingole B.S., Tang D., Satyanarayana, B., Zhao, H., (2007). Tsunamis and Marine, Chapter 31, in: The Indian Ocean Tsunami (Eds. Tad S. Murty, U. Aswathnarayana and N. Nirupama), Taylor and Francis, London, 373-391pp.
  • Chakraborty, B, V. Mahale, G. Navelkar, B. R. Rao, R. G. Prabhudesai, B.S. Ingole & Janakiram. (2007). Acoustic characterization of seafloor habitats in western continental shelf of India. ICES J. Marine Science, 64 (2):551-558
  • Ingole, B. S, Z. A. Ansari, V. Rathod & N. Rodrigues. (2001). Response of Deep-Sea Macrobenthos to a small-scale Environmental Disturbance. Deep-Sea Research-II 14 (16):3401-3410.