
A new species of the genus Munidopsida
Butterflies of the sea
Deeper Than Light
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Dr. Elena M. Krylova

Institute of Oceanology RAS

Nakhimovskii pr. 36
117997 Moscow
Russia &

Ph.D. thesis, 1990, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS, Moscow: Septibranchiate bivalves (Poromyoidea and Cuspidaroidea) of the World Ocean: composition, distribution, ecology.

Senior Research Fellow, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS.

Scientific Interests
Biology of hydrothermal and cold seep communities, systematics, distribution, morpho-functional adaptations and phylogeny of deep sea bivalves.

Since 1990 work at the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS. Participant in deep-sea research national and international projects and grants. Supervision of PhD student at the Moscow State University. Participant in 3 deep-sea submersible diving cruises. Author and co-author of 35 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Five recent relevant publications

  • Gebruk A.V., Krylova E.M., Lein A.Y., Vinogradov G.M., Anderson E., Pimenov N.V., Cherkashev G.A., Crane K. Methane seep community of the Hacon Mosby mud volcano (the Norvegian Sea): composition and trophic structure. Sarsia. 2003, V. 88, N 6, p. 394-403.
  • Krylova E.M. 2006. Bivalves of the Seamounts of the north-eastern Atlantic // Biogeography of the North Atlantic seamounts: Collected proceeding, KMK Scientific Press,76 - 97.
  • Mironov A.N., Krylova E.M. 2006. Origins of the Meteor Seamounts fauna // Biogeography of the North Atlantic seamounts: Collected proceeding, KMK Scientific Press, 22-57.
  • Krylova E.M., Janssen R. 2006. Vesicomyidae from Edison Seamount (South Western Pacific: Papua New Guinea: New Ireland fore-arc basin) (Bivalvia: Glossoidea). Arch. Molluskenkunde, 135 (2): 233-263.
  • Krylova E. M., Sahling H. 2006. Recent bivalve molluscs of the genus Calyptogena (Vesicomyidae), Journal of Molluscan Studies, 72 (4): 359-395.