PhD University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 1970 (Thesis title: The ecology of the New Zealand Haliotis species (Mollusca))
Principal Curator (Marine Biology), Museum Victoria, Australia
Research interests
Taxonomy and phylogeny of marine Crustacea, especially Isopoda and Decapoda; ecology and biogeography of communities of marine soft-bottom macrobenthos; publications for diverse audiences of identification guides; participation in international forums leading to web-based documentation of Crustacea species names
35 years experience in taxonomy of marine crustaceans and environmental ecology in environnmental and museum laboratories. Broad knowledge of the taxonomy of marine invertebrates and an authority on Crustacea. Publications of 85 papers and two books on crustacean systematics, including revision of several major taxa and description of many new taxa particularly of isopods and ghost shrimps. 25 publications on biodiversity, community structure and community-environment interaction of estuarine, shallow water and slope benthos. Supervision of BSc(Hons) and PhD students in crustacean systematics and biogeography. Extensive involvement in sampling, cruise leadership, analysis and description of complex benthic marine ecosystems, especially in areas under stress or threat. Contribution of two chapters to the Australian State of the Marine Environment Report (1996), data and points of view to the marine bioregionalisation process, and to the identification of introduced marine pests. Past President of The Crustacean Society (an international society). Convenor of the Fifth International Crustacean Congress in Melbourne, Australia, 913 July 2001. Member, Census of Marine Life, Oceanographic Biological Information System, (OBIS), International Committee (20052007). Member, Census of Marine Life, Oceanographic Biological Information System, (OBIS), Taxonomic Names Working Group (2005 >). Associate Editor, Journal of Crustacean Biology (2005 >). Member, Census of Marine Life, Continental Margins and Ecosystems (COMARGE), Steering Committee (2006 > ). Member, World Register of Marine Species, Steering Committee (and Joint-Editor, Isopoda, Decapoda) (2006 > ). Convenor, Census of Marine Life COMARGE, Workshop on Marine Squat Lobsters, Wellington, New Zealand (2007).
Five significant publications