The 6th and 7th of June 2006, 36 participants, coming from 18 countries, discussed such margin issues as large scale biodiversity patterns and processes, scales and consequences of habitat heterogeneity and human impacts. The workshop concluded with a definition of four scientific themes that should be adressed by COMARGE in the future.
The workshop held at the Institut Oceanographique in Paris was intented to:
- Bring together deep-sea scientists from all continents, who had positively answered a call for contribution to COMARGE sent in February 2006 (CoML/COMARGE: Towards a globalization of the project);
- Identify key questions, existing and planned studies, and data available on continental margins worldwide, which could contribute, on a collaborative basis, to the synthesis on benthic diversity patterns and processes aimed by COMARGE;
- Further develop the questions addressed by the project,
- Propose concrete plans on how to solve those questions within the Census of Marine Life time frame 2006-2010.
The report of the meeting is available online.